Two Bits smackdown: Author vs. Lazyweb

Posted by ckelty on January 30, 2009

Duke University Press wrote to say:

Two Bits has sold 1142 paperback copies (which doesn't include publicity or review copies) since its release last June, and we are now preparing to reprint it. At this point we can correct any typos or mistakes that may have made their way into the final book. We cannot make any substantial or editorial changes. However, if you have noticed any misspellings or small factual errors, please let me know. You can send me a list with the corrections, and I will pass them along to our production

The production department plans to send the book back to the printer as soon as possible. If you could get any corrections to me by February 9th, that would be great. If you don't think you would be able to get corrections to us by then, please let me know and we can talk to production about either delaying the order slightly, or putting the corrections on file for the next reprinting.

Since I'm all about open source, and since, given enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow... if anyone has noticed a typo or factual error, I'd love to hear about it, so I can take advantage of this little moment!

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